ACKERMAN, Bryan (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
BAKER, Ben (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
BISHOP, Kenneth (Mississippi), 1st Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
BLOCKER, Snake (Colorado), Senior Instructor, JKD Combatives
BOICOURT, Greg (Kansas), 4nd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
BOWEN, Curtis (Virginia Beach, VA), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
BRAY, Robert (Shawnee, OK), 1st Degree Black Belt, Kempo
BRIGHT, Michael (Kansas), 2nd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
CALDWELL, Tom (Oklahoma), 9th Degree Black Belt, Sokedai, Bushido Kempo
CAPIZZI, Andrew (Germany), Sifu Instructor, JKD Combatives
CARINE, Andrew (Canada), 6th Degree Black Sash, JKD
CHEUNG, Tjau-Yuen Kelvin (California), 2nd Degree Black Sash, JKD
CHISM, Nathaniel (Maine), 4th Degree Black Sash, JKD
CHO CHIA YUEN, Brian, (Florida), 2nd Degree Black Sash, JKD Combatives
COCKRUM, Karl (Missouri), 6th Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
COOKSON, Brian (Tahlequah, OK), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
DEEDS, Terry (Utah), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
DEW, Elizabeth (Oklahoma), 2nd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kenjutsu Sword
DEW, Mike (Eufaula, OK), 2nd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kenjutsu Sword
DIGIOVANNA, Anthony (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Belt, Musha Ryu Aikijutsu
DIGIOVANNA, Marc (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Belt, Musha Ryu Aikijutsu
DIGIOVANNA, Steve (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Sash, Jeet Kune Do Gung Fu
DiGIOVANNA, Tom (Oklahoma), 5rd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
DREADFULWATER-DOWLING, Drew, (Tahlequah, Oklahoma), Senior Sifu 3rd Degree Black Sash
DREF, Mehdy, (France), Sifu, JKD Instructor
DUCKWORTH, Stan (Oklahoma), 5th Degree Black Sash, JKD
DUTILL, Bill (Cleveland, Ohio), 5th Degree Black Sash, Shihan, JKD
EAST, Art (West Virginia), 6th Degree Black Belt, Shihan, SDS
EHNLE, Annett (Florida), 2nd Degree Black Sash JKD Combatives
EHNLE, Frank (Florida), Master Black Belt, Hapkido, TKD, Sifu / 4th Degree Black Sash JKD Combatives
ERVAST, Nicole (Florida) 2nd Degree Black Sash, JKD Combatives
ERWIN, Lamar (New York), Sifu / 1st Degree Black Sash
FARINELLI, Carl (Oklahoma), 9th Degree Black Belt, Aikijutsu
FOSTER, Robert (Maryland), 4th Degree Black Sash, JKD
FRAZIER, Mike (Illinois), Instructor, JKD Gung Fu
GUERRA, Daniel (Georgia), 1st Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
GUERRA, ED (Georgia), 6th Degree Black Belt, Shihan, SDS
HERNANDEZ, Jill (San Antonio,Texas), 9th Degree Black Belt, Sokedai, SDS / 6th Degree Black Sash, JKD, 6th Degree Black Belt Bushido Kempo
HOEHLE, Bernd (Germany), Sifu, JKD Combatives
HOGUE, Jim (Oklahoma), 4th Degree Black Sash, JKD
HOLMAN, Bill (Oklahoma), 8th Degree Black Belt, Sokedai, 8th Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo, 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
HUMPHRIES, Phillip (Virginia), 1st Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
INLOW, Gayle (Kansas), 1st Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
INTARTAGLIA, David (Florida) 2nd Degree Black Sash JKD Combatives
JENKINS, Jeff (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
JERNIGAN, Rob (Alabama), 2nd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
JOHNSON, Aaron (Tahlequah, Oklahoma), Master Sifu / 5th Degree Black Sash, JKD, 3rd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
KEENEY, Paul (Florida), 2nd Degree Black Sash, JKDA Open Division
KITTRELL, Tim (Oklahoma), SHIHAN, 5th Degree Black Sash, JKD, 3rd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kemp
KROUTTER, Paul (Oklahoma), 8th Degree Black Belt, SDS
LANGE, Mike (Oklahoma), 4th Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
LEE, Tony (Florida), 3rd Degree, Black Sash, JKD Combatives
LI, S Kai (Hawaii), Senior Instructor, JKD Combatives
LOCKARD, Dennis (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
MAGEE, Dennis (Texas), 8th Degree Black Belt, Sokedai, Bushido Aikijutsu
MAY, Keith (Oklahoma), 8th Degree Black Belt, Sokedai, SDS
MOWRY, Robert "Mo", (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Sash, Jeet Kune Do Gung Fu, 3rd Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
MUHAMMAD, Lonnie, (Edison, New Jersey) Full Instructor, JKD Combatives
MUNSTER, Mustafa Balkan, (Germany), Sifu Instructor, JKD Combatives
MUNSTER, Raven Anja (Germany), Apprentice Instructor, JKD Combatives
NORWOOD, John (New Jersey), 2nd Degree Black Sash, JKD
ORTIZ, Mario (New Jersey), 2nd Degree Black Sash, JKD
PIEL, Robbie (Tennessee), 3rd Degree Black Sash, JKD
QUIGLY, Stuart (Kansas), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD Combatives
RIVERA, Angel (Florida), 3rd Degree Black Sash, JKD Combatives
RIVERA, Daniel (New York), Instructor, JKD Combatives
ROBINSON, Willie, (North Carolina), Full Instructor, Jeet Kune Do Combatives
SCHONAUER, Josef (Canada), 5th Degree Black Sash, JKD
SEGER, Jared (Virginia), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
SHACKELFORD, S. Ray (Virginia), 1st Degree Black Sash, Full Instructor, JKD
SIMS, Julian (Georgia), 4th Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo, 3rd Degree Black Sash, JKD
SKIDMORE, Scott (Florida), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKDA Open Division
TOMER, Dave (West Virginia), 3rd Degree Black Sash, JKD
TORELLA, Alfredo (Michigan), 5th Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo Kwonbop Combat
TURLINGTON, Ed (Oklahoma), Associate Instructor, JKD
TURLINGTON, Lance ( Col. US Army), JKD
TURLINGTON, Julie (Oklahoma), Associate Instructor, JKD
WARD, Lance (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Sash, JKD
WHITSELL, Sean, (Oklahoma), 1st Degree Black Belt, Bushido Kempo
WILSON, Brian, (North Carolina), Associate Instructor, JKD
This page reflects the list of black belts or black sashes, as well as JKDA instructors, who are currently active with the Jeet Kune Do Association and / or Street Defense Systems International. There have been some who have claimed ranking under the JKDA or SDS Int'l whose allegations are completely fraudulent. Others have been dismissed from our organization, but still claim affiliation for commercial or credential purposes. There are a very few of our people who have dropped out of the martial arts, but left in good standing.
Senior Master Frank Ehnle Recognized Grandmaster by SDS International
In March, 2021 Master Frank Ehnle was recognized and certified as Grandmaster, 10th Degree Black Belt, in his personal combat system of YONG MU DO (The Way of the Fighting Dragon) by SDS International Martial Arts Federation and authorized by Grandmaster Gary Dill. GM Ehnle has been affiliated with SDS for over 20 years and is a master sifu in Jeet Kune Do Combatives. He has master level rankings and has been actively involved in the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese fighting systems for the past forty years. His school, Wang Yong Mu Do, is located in Brandon, Florida. CONGRATULATIONS !!!
I’m proud to announce that Senior Master Bill Holman has been appointed to the position of Soke-Dai for the Bushido Kempo division. He is now one of the designated successors of Bushido Kempo. One of the requirements for Soke-Dai is being at most of the camps and being accessible in person for decisions and meetings regarding the organization. With this appointment comes the administrative rank of 8th Degree Black Belt under SDS. Soke-Dai Holman has been a dedicated, loyal member for 32 years and has proven himself to be highly capable to take on the responsibilities of being a Soke-Dai. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who tested and were promoted just prior to Spring Camp on April 23 in Bushido Kempo.
Bill Holman - 7th Degree Black Belt
Jill Hernandez - 4th Degree Black Belt
Royal Dragon Martial Arts, Brandon, Florida, GM Frank Ehnle, Instructor
Angel Rivera……3rd Degree Black Sash
Tony Lee…..3rd Degree Black Sash
Annette Ehnle…….2nd Degree Black Sash
Dave Intartaglia…..2nd Degree Black Sash
Brian Cho Chia Yuen….2nd Degree Black Sash
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